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Happy New Year & January Wallpapers

Writer's picture: Dorothy BondDorothy Bond

It's finally time to say goodbye to 2021...

Undeniably, 2021 has had its ups and downs. This past year has been the year we simultaneously loved and hated. But now that it’s over we can reflect on how much we grew, what we learned about ourselves and others, and use those things to go into 2022 with a greater sense of self.

Some of us started a new degree, some finished one, and some of us dropped out. Some of us made new friends, some of us drifted apart. Some of us started new jobs, some quit them and some of us even started new businesses in the middle of a global pandemic!

Whether you feel like you achieved something or not, you did your best and that’s what counts. Your best may look different than someone else's, and that’s okay. Even if your best was getting out of bed some days and others were out there running marathons, it doesn't diminish your achievements in the slightest. They had to start somewhere too. Comparing ourselves to others only ever leads to disappointment, stopping us from taking those first small steps because we irrationally expect that we can jump straight to the finish line. Our small steps are crucial to reaching that end goal – over time.

We have no idea what this new year has in store for us. So be the best you that you can be. Be your extraordinary self no matter if that is the marathon runner or meeting with your therapist via Zoom because no matter the day, no matter the year, as Dr Suess reminds us:

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

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Welcome to the Cozy Gazette, a bookish and gaming blog with a touch of cozy lifestyle! Hi, I'm Dorothy and I am so exceited to welcome you to this cozy space designed for book lovers and cozy gamers, old and new who are seeking everything from new book and cozy game recommendations, reviews on new and upcoming books and games, reading tips and much, much more!

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